5 September 1997
Source: Hardcopy from Peter Junger

Tab C

Gino J. Scarselli, Esq.
664 Allison Drive
Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143
Tel.Fax 216-291-8601

June 12, 1997

Tom Barbour, Esq.
Office of General Counsel
Department of commerce
Bureau of Export Administration
13th & Constitution Ave., NW Room 3839
Washington DC 20230

re: Classification Requests, Junger v. Albright, Case No. 96 CV 1723 (N.D. Ohio)

Dear Mr. Barbour:

1 spoke with Mr. Anthony Coppolino last Friday, and he recommended that I send you our classification requests.

Enclosed are three separate applications for classification requests under § 748.3 of the Export Administration Regulations. Attached to each application are an explanatory letter and attachments containing additional information on specific items. Please forward all of the enclosed information to the appropriate person(s) at the BXA.

As I believe you know, we are presently in litigation with the Commerce Department over the export controls on encryption software and technology. We submit these applications only in the interest of furthering litigation and reserve all of our rights to challenge the controls, including our right to challenge to any form of prepublication review.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the above number.



Gino J. Scarselli
Attorney for Peter Junger

cc: Peter D. Junger
Kevin Francis O'Neill, Esq.
Ray Vasvari, Esq.


Gino J. Scarselli, Esq.
664 Allison Drive
Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143
Tel.Fax 216-291-8601

re: APPLICATION NO. 082060

June 12, 1997

Department of Commerce
Bureau of Export Administration

To whomever it may concern:

This letter will serve as additional information for the classification requests in Application No. Z 082060.

My client, Professor Peter D. Junger, is currently in litigation with the Commerce Department over the export controls on encryption under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). In the interest of furthering the litigation, we seek classification requests under §748.3 of the EAR for the following encryption programs:

1. PGP (versions 2.6.3i and 2.6.3)

2. fiddle in C

3. Twiddle in 8086 Assembly Language

4. A version of the RSA algorithm implemented in Perl

5. A version of the RC4 algorithm implemented in C

We submit these requests to confirm that the above items are subject to the EAR as "Encryption software'' classified under ECCN 5D002, 15 C.F.R. Part 774.

We seek a classification for each item in "electronic form or media" as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following § 734.3 of the EAR. We have included, along with this application, a DOS-formatted disk containing items (2), (4) and (5) and printed copies of items (2) - (5) in case you cannot read the disk.

What follows is additional information on the items.

Item 1

Item I consists of the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) source code (version 2.6.3i) and a compiled version for Windows (denoted as version 2.6.3).

A compressed file of the source code can be downloaded from


A compressed file of the compiled source code for Windows can be download~ed from


Note on Box 22(i) "Manufacturer" (Author): The original PGP ver. 1.0 was written by Phil Zimmermann. PGP 2.6.3i was put together by Stale Schumacher <stale@hypnotech.com> and others. All questions regarding PGP 2.6.3i should be addressed to <pgp-bugs@ifi.uio.no>. The Windows compiled version, PGP 2.6.3, was compiled by Preston Wilson.

Item 2

Item 2 consists of the "fiddle" program written by Peter Junger in C. A printed copy of the source code for fiddle.c (version 0.1 ) and the source code for the RC2 and RC4 routines that will be implemented in the final version of the program is found in Attachment A. A copy in electronic form is on the diskette marked "082060" file name "fiddle.c."

Item 3

Item 3 consists of the "twiddle" program written hy Peter Junger in MASM 8086 Assembly Language for the DOS operating system. A printed copy of the source code is found in Attachment B.

Item 4

Item 4 consists of an encryption program in Perl implementing the RSA algorithm. A printed copy of the Perl code is found in Attachment C. A copy in electronic form is on the diskette marked "082060'' file name "RSA."

Further information about this encryption program and the instructions for using may be obtained from <http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/>.

Note on Box 22(i) "Manufacturer" (Author): The RSA algorithm was designed by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. This RSA perl program was written by Adam Back <aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk>.

Item 5

Item 5 consists of an encryption program in C implementing the RC4 algorithm. A printed copy of the code is found in Attachment D. The program and related files in electronic form is on the diskette marked "082060" directory name "rc4.tar."

Note on Box 22(i) 'Manufacturer'' (Author): The RC4 algorithm was designed by Ron Rivest for RSA Data Security, Inc. We are not sure who wrote this RC4 C program.

Since we are not seeking an Advisory Opinion, as defined in 15 C.F.R. § 748.3, with respect to any of the listed items, the EAR requires a response within fourteen (14) days from the

- 2 -

date the application is received. 15 C.F.R. § 750.2. If you have any questions, please contact me at 216-291-8601.



Gino J. Scarselli
Attorney for Peter Junger

cc: Professor Peter D. Junger
Kevin Francis O'Neill, Esq.
Ray Vasvari, Esq.


[Two-page form]


This is NOT and export license number
Z 082060

1. CONTACT PERSON Gino J. Scarselli

2. TELEPHONE 216-291-8601

3. FACSIMILE 216-291-8601


5. TYPE OF APPLICATION Classification Request

                                        Letter of Application

[Snip blanks 7. to 13.]

14. APPLICANT Gino J. Scarselli
              664 Allison Drive
              Richmond Hts.
              OH USA 44143
              SS: XXX-XX-XXXX

[Snip blanks 15. to 21.]

22.(a) ECCN 5D002

[Snip blanks 22.(b) to 22.(h)]

22.(i) MANUFACTURER see letter

22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The source code and a compiled versions
                             (for windows) of the encryption program
                             "Pretty Good Privacy" (PGP)
[Snip blank 23.]

24. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION See accompanying letter

[Snip illegible certification statement]

25. SIGNATURE [Signature]
    NAME OF SIGNER Gino J. Scarselli
    TITLE OF SIGNER Attorney for Peter Junger

[Snip illegible notice]

[Form continued] ITEM APPENDIX APPLICATION CONTROL NUMBER Z 082060 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 22.(i) MANUFACTURER Peter Junger 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The source code (in C) of the "Fiddle" encryption program. See accompanying letter and Attachment A. See also diskette "082060" /file "fiddle.c" --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 22.(i) MANUFACTURER see letter 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The source code (in 8086 Assembly Language) of the "Twiddle" encryption program. See accompanying letter and Attachment B. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 22.(i) MANUFACTURER see letter 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION An encryption program in perl implementing the RSA algorithm. See accompanying letter and Attachment C. See also diskette "082060" /file "rsa" --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 22.(i) MANUFACTURER see letter 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION An encryption program in C implementing the RC4 algorithm. See accompanying letter and Attachment D. See also diskette "082060" /directory "rc4.tar" --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Snip blank balance]


[None provided]


[Three-page excerpt of Computers and the Law] Here Is the Source Code. Here is the source code for my little encryption program. It is written in 8086 assembly language and is intended to be assembled with the MASM assembler.

name TWID
page 55,132
title TWID

[Balance of 3-page TWID code omitted; see http://jya.com/pdj003b.htm]

[No Attachments C and D or diskettes provided]

Gino J. Scarselli, Esq.
664 Allison Drive
Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143
Tel.Fax 216-291-8601

re: APPLICATION NO. 082061

June 12, 1997

Department of Commerce
Bureau of Export Administration

To whomever it may concern:

This letter will serve as additional information for the classification requests in Application No. Z 082061.

My client, Professor Peter D. Junger, is currently in litigation with the Commerce Department over the export controls on encryption under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). In the interest of furthering the litigation, we seek classification requests under §748.3 of the EAR for the following items:

1. Instructions for creating TWI.COM

2. Chapter One of Computers and the Law

3. An html page containing hyperlinks to encryption programs overseas

We submit these requests in an effort to determine whether the above items are subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) as "Encryption software" classified under ECCN 5D002 or "Encryption technology" classified under ECCN 5E002. 15 C.F.R. Part 774.

We seek a classification for each item in "electronic forrn or media" as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following § 734.3 of the EAR. We have included a DOS- formatted disk, along with this application, containing item (3) and printed copies of all of the items

What follows is additional information on the items.

Item I

Item I consists of the instructions for creating an executable version of an encryption program using a one-time pad that was written by Peter Junger and that runs on MSDOS machines. These instructions in turn include a hexadecimal representation of the executable code. A printed copy of these instructions is found in Attachment A to this letter.

Item 2

Item 2 consists of part of Chapter One of the casebook written by Professor Junger for his class in Computers and the Law last year. A printed copy of the chapter is found in Attachment B.

- 1 -

It is our position that encryption software embodied in longer texts is not covered under the EAR .

Item 3

Item 3 consists of a page of hypertext written in HTML containing direct links to numerous encryption programs that can be downloaded from sites outside of the United States. Professor Junger wishes to add this page of links, with additional items. to the other pages that are available on his web server at <http://samsara.law.cwru.edu/links/>.

A printed copy of the html page is found in Attachment D to this letter. The html version is included on the diskette marked "082061" file name"cryptolinks.html."

It is our position that links themselves are not covered under the EAR.

Since we are not seeking an Advisory Opinion, as defined in 15 C.F.R. § 748.3, with respect to any of the listed items, the EAR requires a response within fourteen (14) days from the date the application is received. 15 C.F.R. § 750.2. If you have any questions, please contact me at 216-291-8601.



Gino J. Scarselli
Attorney for Peter Junger

cc: Professor Peter D. Junger
Kevin Francis O'Neill, Esq.
Ray Vasvari, Esq.



Instructions for TWI.COM

Here are the instructions on how to create the TWI.COM program

     Creating TWI.COM

[CAUTION It apparently would be a violation of the International 
Traffic in Arms Regulations to export or transmit this document 
outside the United States or to disclose its contents to a foreign 
person without first obtaining permission from the Office of Defense 
Trade Controls in the United States Department Or State.]

Here are the instructions on how create TWI.COM, a 111 byte version of 
the TWID one-time-pad encryption program. (The 109 byte version that 
I had planned to use wouldn't run under current versions of DOS until 
I added at the end a pair of bytes each containing a binary 
zero--which is also, of course, a hexidecimal and a decimal zero. I
don't know if both of those bytes were needed, or just one of them, 
but I remembered that I had deleted those two bytes in the process of
of getting TWI.COM down to 109 bytes.  That worked under DOS 3.3. but it
does not seem to work under current versions.)

TWI.COM will only run on MSDOS machines.

These instructions explain how to load a version of TWI.COM into
memory and how to save it on a floppy disk, using the MSDOS DEBUG 
program. What you will be doing is typing in the hexidecimal version
of the machine code of TWI.COM--a process that you will undoubtedly
find slow and painful.  But it isn't that slow and painful.  Actually
entering the machine code--even if it is in a hexidecimal rather than
a binary representation--is reminiscent of the way one programmed
early computers that did not have assemblers or compilers or operating
systems and all the other programs that now reside between the
computer's hardware and the programmer, early machines like the Altair
and IMSAI computers that one programmed by actually flipping a switch
to load each bit into the machine.  Now that was slow and painful.

But the TWI program actually relies on the MSDOS operating system, of

which the DEBUG program is a small part, to open and close the file containing the key--the file that is named 'S'--and to redirect standard input to the plaintext file and standard output to the file that contains the encrypted message It would be a much more difficult job to load in a program like TWI.COM, and get it to work, if the MSDOS operating system were not already loaded on the machine. TWI.COM only contains 111 bytes; without having the MSDOS operating system to do all the work the code would have to occupy several thousand more bytes. So loading TWI.COM with DEBUG is much easier than loading a similar program into an Altair box without an operating system. The DEBUG program was not designed to be used to load a new program like TWI.COM into memory. As its name suggests, its intended use is the examination and modification of existing programs, not the creation of new ones. One can use DEBUG to load a new program into memory, but there is no way to save it--that I know of, but I am not an expert on DEBUG--unless one has loaded it in as a modification of some pre-existing file of the same length. So I have prepared a file named TWI.XXX that is exactly 111 bytes long that you can use with DEBUG to create the actual TWI.COM file. TWI.XXX can be downloaded from the samsara web server. The URL is http://samsara/comp_law/twi.xxx When you examine it with a web browser or an editor or using the MSDOS TYPE command, the contents of TWI.XXX look like this: aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa TWI.XXX contains ten lines consisting of eight representations of the 2 [Balance of 8-page TWI.COM instructions omitted]


Computers and the Law

Peter D. Junger

Fall, 19961

1 This still very tentative edition is being assembled as the course is being taught, so the work is a product, not only of the author, but of the students who took the course in Computers and the Law at CWRU Law School in 1993 through 1995 and those who are now taking it in 1996.

[Balance of 28-page textbook excerpt omitted; see partial version: http://jya.com/pdj003b.htm]


Links to Cryptographic Software

[11 pages of cryptographic URLs]

[Two-page form]


This is NOT and export license number
Z 082061

1. CONTACT PERSON Gino J. Scarselli

2. TELEPHONE 216-291-8601

3. FACSIMILE 216-291-6801 [sic]


5. TYPE OF APPLICATION Classification Request

                                        Letter of Application

[Snip blanks 7. to 13.]

14. APPLICANT Gino J. Scarselli
              664 Allison Drive
              Richmond Hts.
              OH USA 44143
              SS: XXX-XX-XXXX

[Snip blanks 15. to 21.]

22.(a) ECCN 5D002 and/or 5E002

[Snip blanks 22.(b) to 22.(h)]

22.(i) MANUFACTURER Peter Junger

22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Instructions for creating the executable 
                             encryption program TWI.COM
[Snip blank 23.]

24. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION See accompanying letter and Attachment A

[Snip illegible certification statement]

25. SIGNATURE [Signature]
    NAME OF SIGNER Gino J. Scarselli
    TITLE OF SIGNER Attorney for Peter Junger

[Snip illegible notice]

[Form continued] ITEM APPENDIX APPLICATION CONTROL NUMBER Z 082061 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 not covered see letter 22.(i) MANUFACTURER Peter Junger 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Chapter One of the Computers and the Law text book. See accompanying letter and Attachment B. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 not covered see letter 22.(i) MANUFACTURER Peter Junger 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION An html page containing hyperlinks to encryption programs overseas. See accompanying letter and Attachment C. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Snip blank balance]

Gino J. Scarselli, Esq.
664 Allison Drive
Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143
Tel/Fax 216 291-8601


June 12, 1997

Department of Commerce
Bureau of Export Administration

To whomever it may concern:

This letter will serve as additional information for the classification requests in Application No. Z082062.

My client, Professor Peter D. Junger, is currently in litigation with the Commerce Department over the export controls on encryption under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). In the interest of furthering the litigation, we seek classification requests under § 748.3 of the EAR for the following encryption programs:

1. Encryption programs that perform the XOR operation on each byte of a file with a key consisting of a single byte

2. Programs that XOR the contents of a file with the contents of a one-time pad

3. Programs that implement the ROT13 algorithm

4. Programs that implement the RC2 algorithm

5. Programs that implement the RSA algorithm

In this set of requests, we seek rulings with respect to each program that implements one of the specified operations or algorithms and that does not fall under the exceptions to ECCN 5A002 or 5D002 of Part 774 of the EAR. It is our position that any program that implements one of the specified operations or algorithms can be used, in executable form, to maintain the secrecy or confidentiality of information and therefore is classified as encryption software under ECCN 5D002, 15 C.F.R. Part 774.

A classification is sought for the programs in electronic form or media as described in the Notes to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) following § 734.3. Samples of particular programs are included or referred to in this letter, but those programs are only intended to serve as examples.

What follows is additional information on the items.

Item 1

Item 1 consists of any encryption program that can be used to maintain secrecy or confidentiality by XORing each byte of a source file with a key consisting of a single byte. An example of such a program, written in C, is:

-------begin sample program for item 1------------------ 

#include "stdio.h" 
#include "stdlib.h" 

- 1 -

[No other pages provided]

[Two-page form]


This is NOT and export license number
Z 082062

1. CONTACT PERSON Gino J. Scarselli

2. TELEPHONE 216-291-8601

3. FACSIMILE 216-291-8601


5. TYPE OF APPLICATION Classification Request

                                        Letter of Application

[Snip blanks 7. to 13.]

14. APPLICANT Gino J. Scarselli
              664 Allison Drive
              Richmond Hts.
              OH USA 44143
              SS: XXX-XX-XXXX

[Snip blanks 15. to 21.]

22.(a) ECCN 5D002

[Snip blanks 22.(b) to 22.(i)]

22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Encryption programs that perform the XOR
                             operation on each byte of a file with a
                             key consisting of a single byte

[Snip blank 23.]

24. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION See accompanying letter

[Snip illegible certification statement]

25. SIGNATURE [Signature]
    NAME OF SIGNER Gino J. Scarselli
    TITLE OF SIGNER Attorney for Peter Junger

[Snip illegible notice]

[Form continued] ITEM APPENDIX APPLICATION CONTROL NUMBER Z 082062 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Encryption programs that XOR the contents of a file with the contents of a one-time pad. See accompanying letter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Encryption programs that implement the ROT13 algorithm. See accompanying letter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Encryption programs that implement the RC2 algorithm. See accompanying letter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.(a) ECCN 5D002 22.(j) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Encryption programs that implement the RSA algorithm. See accompanying letter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Snip blank balance]